Top Exit Pages - techserv  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Jun 2019 23:59 (-5)

This section shows where users left the site. Values shown do not include failed downloads.

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Top Exit Pages  
Rank   Page/Filename Visits % of Total Visits Bandwidth Trend
1   cgi-bin/­mail_bookrequest.asp 22949 35.84 % 41.93 MB  
2   default.htm 12655 19.76 % 83.19 MB  
3   cgi-bin/­mail_corrections.asp 7882 12.31 % 9.28 MB  
4   cgi-bin/­mail_audiovisualrequest.asp 7527 11.75 % 11.10 MB  
5   bookrequest.html 5502 8.59 % 83.35 MB  
6   audiovisual.html 2443 3.82 % 38.30 MB  
7   corrections.html 2188 3.42 % 21.95 MB  
8   illrequest form.htm 1109 1.73 % 7.19 MB  
9   cgi-bin/­mail_smtp_for_ill.asp 868 1.36 % 0.80 MB  
10   magazine.html 528 0.82 % 5.49 MB  
11   cgi-bin/­mail_magazine.asp 283 0.44 % 0.46 MB  
12   ordering.html 73 0.11 % 0.66 MB  
13   cgi-bin/­mail_ordering.asp 28 0.04 % 0.02 MB  
    Total all Pages 64035 100.00 % 303.73 MB