Summary of HTTP Errors - techserv  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Jun 2019 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the error types that have occurred on the site when accessed. Client errors start with a 4, for instance 403. These represent errors caused by typing a URL incorrectly etc.

  Summary - Count  

  Summary of HTTP Errors  
Error code   Error description Count % of Total Count
404   Page or File not found 79409 99.74 %
500   Internal Server Error 104 0.13 %
400   Bad Request 44 0.06 %
405   Method not allowed 38 0.05 %
403   Forbidden 17 0.02 %
406   Not acceptable 3 0.00 %
    Total all Pages 79615 100.00 %