Day of Month Activity - techserv  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Jun 2019 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the activity for each day of the month for the report period. For example if there are 2 months which both contain an entry for the 5th day of the month in the report period, then the value shown is the sum of all hits for both of these days. Values shown do not include failed requests.

Legend     Humans     Spiders

  Visits by Day of Month  

  Page Views by Day of Month  

  Bandwidth by Day of Month  

  Day of Month Activity  
  Visits Page Views All
  Humans Spiders Humans Spiders Bandwidth
01 1817 1305 5296 1527 10.84 MB
02 1995 1291 5498 1499 11.12 MB
03 2080 1255 5436 1516 11.16 MB
04 2023 1352 5315 1650 12.04 MB
05 2231 1411 6471 1725 13.13 MB
06 2116 1343 5883 1606 11.94 MB
07 2413 1271 6518 1518 12.68 MB
08 2228 1330 5954 1557 12.19 MB
09 2134 1275 5467 1539 11.23 MB
10 2209 1292 5975 1521 11.79 MB
11 2143 1226 5709 1501 11.59 MB
12 2281 1320 5847 1543 12.05 MB
13 2229 1251 6230 1515 12.25 MB
14 2062 1338 5635 1577 12.03 MB
15 2092 1345 5410 1594 11.53 MB
16 2122 1335 6127 1541 11.62 MB
17 1998 1343 5495 1583 11.33 MB
18 2163 1298 5569 1537 11.17 MB
19 2213 1345 5878 1603 11.97 MB
20 2125 1342 5735 1548 11.57 MB
21 2132 1313 5543 1582 11.58 MB
22 2164 1368 5865 1597 12.01 MB
23 2017 1346 5371 1592 11.10 MB
24 2005 1378 5621 1647 11.44 MB
25 1940 1443 5428 1771 11.54 MB
26 2074 1372 5737 1612 11.60 MB
27 1930 1360 5150 1604 10.85 MB
28 1981 1290 5643 1490 10.92 MB
29 2005 1265 5331 1512 11.64 MB
30 1980 1308 5634 1553 11.70 MB
31 1247 758 3557 937 7.29 MB
Total 64149 46491 174328 55254 356.90 MB
Maximum 2413 1443 6518 1771 13.13 MB
Minimum 1247 758 3557 937 7.29 MB
Average 2069 1500 5623 1782 11.51 MB