Hour of Day Activity - techserv http://techserv.sals.edu  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2018 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the activity for each hour of the day for the report period. For example : if there are 2 days in the report period and both of them include a log entry for 8am, then the value shown is the sum of the hits for for both days. Values shown do not include failed requests.

Legend     Humans     Spiders

  Visits by Hour of day  

  Page Views by Hour of day  

  Bandwidth by Hour of day  

  Hour of Day Activity  
  Visits Page Views All
  Humans Spiders Humans Spiders Bandwidth
Midnight to 1am 538 1703 721 1966 6.32 MB
1am to 2am 493 1297 678 1598 5.41 MB
2am to 3am 559 1846 782 2123 6.62 MB
3am to 4am 489 1723 716 1994 5.95 MB
4am to 5am 557 1891 767 2211 6.70 MB
5am to 6am 520 1710 893 2025 6.65 MB
6am to 7am 623 1151 1013 1459 5.94 MB
7am to 8am 620 1212 1119 1559 6.33 MB
8am to 9am 2455 1745 6870 2028 14.46 MB
9am to 10am 4286 2199 12424 2499 21.94 MB
10am to 11am 5976 1798 16003 2108 26.84 MB
11am to 12pm 5734 1209 16460 1499 25.97 MB
12pm to 1pm 5893 1402 19821 1725 28.44 MB
1pm to 2pm 6741 1847 21563 2178 32.07 MB
2pm to 3pm 6830 2141 21016 2488 32.16 MB
3pm to 4pm 5394 1591 15392 1870 25.09 MB
4pm to 5pm 3246 1160 8930 1446 16.02 MB
5pm to 6pm 2249 1174 6581 1510 12.76 MB
6pm to 7pm 2060 1600 5318 1928 11.98 MB
7pm to 8pm 1240 1638 2763 1943 8.73 MB
8pm to 9pm 681 1604 1101 1902 6.71 MB
9pm to 10pm 513 1647 742 1940 6.09 MB
10pm to 11pm 611 1204 879 1477 5.69 MB
11pm to Midnight 552 1629 768 1876 5.81 MB
Total 58860 38121 163320 45352 330.68 MB
Maximum 6830 2199 21563 2499 32.16 MB
Minimum 489 1151 678 1446 5.41 MB
Average 2453 1588 6805 1890 13.78 MB