Day of Month Activity - techserv  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2018 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the activity for each day of the month for the report period. For example if there are 2 months which both contain an entry for the 5th day of the month in the report period, then the value shown is the sum of all hits for both of these days. Values shown do not include failed requests.

Legend     Humans     Spiders

  Visits by Day of Month  

  Page Views by Day of Month  

  Bandwidth by Day of Month  

  Day of Month Activity  
  Visits Page Views All
  Humans Spiders Humans Spiders Bandwidth
01 1695 1234 5000 1450 10.04 MB
02 1847 1220 5197 1412 10.36 MB
03 1911 1190 5052 1439 10.32 MB
04 1807 1276 4811 1553 10.94 MB
05 2016 1317 6006 1616 12.05 MB
06 1951 1259 5560 1507 11.12 MB
07 2249 1193 6110 1423 11.70 MB
08 2037 1262 5588 1475 11.39 MB
09 1971 1208 5215 1459 10.53 MB
10 2021 1205 5576 1423 10.90 MB
11 1979 1142 5403 1397 10.73 MB
12 2123 1244 5553 1460 11.28 MB
13 2055 1178 5916 1421 11.36 MB
14 1867 1252 5188 1481 10.97 MB
15 1908 1257 5080 1491 10.63 MB
16 1965 1256 5792 1451 10.83 MB
17 1827 1263 5079 1490 10.48 MB
18 1965 1225 5223 1441 10.33 MB
19 2009 1269 5549 1520 11.14 MB
20 1928 1290 5412 1492 10.82 MB
21 1920 1247 5129 1510 10.65 MB
22 1951 1288 5448 1500 11.03 MB
23 1831 1271 4949 1505 10.23 MB
24 1887 1286 5378 1533 10.73 MB
25 1812 1371 5054 1685 10.82 MB
26 1943 1300 5448 1527 10.92 MB
27 1799 1276 4841 1512 10.03 MB
28 1799 1210 5260 1404 10.01 MB
29 1843 1202 4999 1439 10.82 MB
30 1809 1235 5281 1479 10.92 MB
31 1135 695 3223 857 6.58 MB
Total 58860 43793 163320 52100 330.68 MB
Maximum 2249 1371 6110 1685 12.05 MB
Minimum 1135 695 3223 857 6.58 MB
Average 1899 1413 5268 1681 10.67 MB