Top Spider Countries - techserv  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section identifies the countries where the search engine of your visiting spiders are registered. It may not be the actual location of the search engine. Note : Domain names which cannot be found are shown as " Unknown "

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Top Spider Countries  
Rank   Country Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits
1   (-) 17954 42.34 % 15447
2   United States 17467 41.19 % 14871
3   China 2237 5.28 % 2232
4   Germany 2068 4.88 % 1198
5   United Kingdom 1444 3.41 % 892
6   Poland 368 0.87 % 289
7   Italy 128 0.30 % 109
8   Netherlands 177 0.42 % 108
9   Russian Federation 112 0.26 % 96
10   Czech Republic 60 0.14 % 57
11   Sweden 88 0.21 % 57
12   France 89 0.21 % 54
13   Canada 64 0.15 % 44
14   South Korea 37 0.09 % 34
15   Japan 28 0.07 % 28
16   Denmark 36 0.08 % 25
17   Ukraine 13 0.03 % 9
18   Bulgaria 5 0.01 % 5
19   Hong Kong 12 0.03 % 5
20   Switzerland 3 0.01 % 3
    Subtotal this Page 42390 99.98 % 35563
    Total all Pages 42403 100.00 % 35576