Top Search Phrases - techserv  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the search phrases that were used by users on Search Engines to find your site.

  Summary - Count  

  Trend - Count  

  Top Search Phrases  
Rank   Phrases Visits % of Total Visits Trend
1   - 269 55.93 %  
2   2947654 89 18.50 %  
3 28 5.82 %  
4   http:­/­/­/ 9 1.87 %  
5   technical service forms sals 9 1.87 %  
6   tech service forms 5 1.04 %  
7   technical service forms 5 1.04 %  
8   audio visual request form 4 0.83 %  
9   email sals edu 4 0.83 %  
10   http:­/­/­/bookrequest.html 3 0.62 %  
11   library technical service requests forms 3 0.62 %  
12 3 0.62 %  
13   sals technical forms 3 0.62 %  
14   technical services form 3 0.62 %  
15   technical services southern adirondack library system 3 0.62 %  
16 3 0.62 %  
17 3 0.62 %  
18   anything 2 0.42 %  
19   sals mail 2 0.42 %  
20 2 0.42 %  
    Subtotal this Page 452 93.95 %  
    Total all Pages 481 100.00 %