Top Pages - techserv  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section identifies the most popular web site pages and how often they were accessed. Values shown do not include failed requests.

  Summary - Page Views  

  Trend - Page Views  

  Top Pages  
Rank   Page Page Views % of Total Page Views Entry Page Time Spent in Seconds Average Page Serve Time (Seconds) Exit Page Bandwidth Trend
1   cgi-bin/­mail_bookrequest.asp 55734 40.24 % 12273 99 0.275 17481 32.91 MB  
2   default.htm 21554 15.56 % 18268 38 0.210 9564 68.16 MB  
3   bookrequest.html 16032 11.57 % 5041 165 0.304 4372 65.74 MB  
4   cgi-bin/­mail_audiovisualrequest.asp 15078 10.89 % 3507 84 0.281 5867 8.98 MB  
5   cgi-bin/­mail_corrections.asp 11821 8.53 % 3658 130 0.257 6061 7.28 MB  
6   audiovisual.html 7049 5.09 % 2425 192 0.285 1984 37.33 MB  
7   corrections.html 6522 4.71 % 2254 119 0.218 1747 21.34 MB  
8   illrequest form.htm 1868 1.35 % 1459 154 0.251 1109 7.90 MB  
9   cgi-bin/­mail_smtp_for_ill.asp 1158 0.84 % 395 31 0.257 868 0.80 MB  
10   cgi-bin/­mail_magazine.asp 748 0.54 % 115 114 0.290 229 0.45 MB  
11   magazine.html 705 0.51 % 296 142 0.270 375 5.57 MB  
12   ordering.html 213 0.15 % 51 30 0.277 68 1.63 MB  
13   cgi-bin/­mail_ordering.asp 31 0.02 % 3 5 0.233 24 0.02 MB  
    Subtotal this Page 138513 100.00 % 49745 1303   49749 258.10 MB  
    Total all Pages 138513 100.00 % 49745 14493810   49749 258.10 MB