Requests causing Errors - techserv  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the requests that caused errors on the site. It is best to investigate the cause of errors by inspecting these web pages.

  Summary - Count  

  Requests causing Errors  
Requests causing Errors
Error code Error description Filename Count % of Total
404 Page or File not found /­favicon.htm 36014 65.15
404 Page or File not found /­robots.txt 16572 29.98
404 Page or File not found /­bookrequest/­index.html 679 1.23
404 Page or File not found /­wp-login.php 391 0.71
404 Page or File not found /­illrequest form.htm 248 0.45
404 Page or File not found /­xmlrpc.php 222 0.40
404 Page or File not found /­browserconfig.xml 156 0.28
404 Page or File not found /­audiorequest.html 146 0.26
404 Page or File not found /­sals/­audiovisual.html 109 0.20
404 Page or File not found /­sals/­ordering.html 108 0.20
404 Page or File not found /­sals/­corrections.html 102 0.18
500 Internal Server Error /­cgi-bin/­mail_smtp_for_ill.asp 99 0.18
404 Page or File not found /­administrator/­index.php 70 0.13
404 Page or File not found /­admin/­fckeditor/­editor/­filemanager/­browser/­default/­connectors/­php/­connector.php 52 0.09
404 Page or File not found /­admin/­fckeditor/­editor/­filemanager/­connectors/­php/­connector.php 52 0.09
404 Page or File not found /­fckeditor/­editor/­filemanager/­browser/­default/­connectors/­php/­connector.php 52 0.09
404 Page or File not found /­fckeditor/­editor/­filemanager/­connectors/­aspx/­connector.aspx 52 0.09
404 Page or File not found /­fckeditor/­editor/­filemanager/­connectors/­php/­connector.php 52 0.09
404 Page or File not found /­admin/­fckeditor/­editor/­filemanager/­browser/­default/­connectors/­asp/­connector.asp 50 0.09
404 Page or File not found /­fckeditor/­editor/­filemanager/­browser/­default/­connectors/­asp/­connector.asp 50 0.09
  Total   55276