Organic Search Engines - techserv  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the Organic Search Engines which were used to find your site.

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Organic Search Engines  
Rank     Engine Visits % of Total Visits
1   http:­/­/­/crawler.php 57 15.28 %
2   http:­/­/­/try.php 56 15.01 %
3   http:­/­/­/c.php 48 12.87 %
4   http:­/­/­/try.php 45 12.06 %
5   http:­/­/­/try.php 41 10.99 %
6   http:­/­/­/search 28 7.51 %
7   Google 20 5.36 %
8   http:­/­/­/ 12 3.22 %
9   http:­/­/­/ 9 2.41 %
10   http:­/­/­/s 8 2.14 %
11   http:­/­/­/clck­/jsredir 7 1.88 %
12   Yahoo! 6 1.61 %
13   http:­/­/­/ 5 1.34 %
14   http:­/­/­/search 2 0.54 %
15   http:­/­/­/library.php 2 0.54 %
16   http:­/­/­/search 2 0.54 %
17   http:­/­/­/wp-content­/plugins­/event-organiser­/ 2 0.54 %
18   http:­/­/­/members­/ 2 0.54 %
19   http:­/­/­/try.php 1 0.27 %
20   http:­/­/­/search­/srpcache 1 0.27 %
      Subtotal this Page 354 94.92 %
      Total all Pages 373 100.00 %