Day of Month Activity - techserv  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the activity for each day of the month for the report period. For example if there are 2 months which both contain an entry for the 5th day of the month in the report period, then the value shown is the sum of all hits for both of these days. Values shown do not include failed requests.

Legend     Humans     Spiders

  Visits by Day of Month  

  Page Views by Day of Month  

  Bandwidth by Day of Month  

  Day of Month Activity  
  Visits Page Views All
  Humans Spiders Humans Spiders Bandwidth
01 1470 1098 4352 1285 8.48 MB
02 1564 1074 4400 1231 8.57 MB
03 1681 1052 4500 1265 8.78 MB
04 1543 1109 4013 1322 9.08 MB
05 1695 1153 5108 1394 10.04 MB
06 1596 1101 4459 1322 8.98 MB
07 1961 1045 5280 1245 10.07 MB
08 1721 1111 4736 1299 9.59 MB
09 1639 1044 4337 1254 8.45 MB
10 1701 1057 4717 1247 9.04 MB
11 1694 1017 4572 1235 9.04 MB
12 1729 1109 4491 1298 9.15 MB
13 1717 1044 5100 1271 9.46 MB
14 1560 1098 4329 1291 8.99 MB
15 1580 1113 4126 1325 8.76 MB
16 1631 1085 4773 1243 8.73 MB
17 1551 1108 4232 1316 8.62 MB
18 1680 1068 4523 1255 8.66 MB
19 1667 1097 4643 1309 9.10 MB
20 1595 1141 4604 1327 9.08 MB
21 1642 1066 4423 1307 8.93 MB
22 1679 1129 4640 1309 9.23 MB
23 1584 1108 4373 1319 8.67 MB
24 1632 1120 4680 1330 9.11 MB
25 1571 1207 4447 1483 9.26 MB
26 1633 1160 4704 1342 9.32 MB
27 1506 1138 4030 1350 8.39 MB
28 1566 1049 4568 1210 8.37 MB
29 1597 1047 4317 1249 9.16 MB
30 1520 1073 4352 1252 8.83 MB
31 948 621 2684 742 5.31 MB
Total 49853 38418 138513 45523 275.21 MB
Maximum 1961 1207 5280 1483 10.07 MB
Minimum 948 621 2684 742 5.31 MB
Average 1608 1239 4468 1468 8.88 MB