Top Visitor Countries - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 Dec 2018 00:00 - 31 Dec 2018 23:59

This section identifies the countries where your visitors are registered. It may not be the actual location of the visitor. Note : Domain names which were not resolved are shown as " Unknown "

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Summary - Visits  

  Top Visitor Countries  
Rank   Country Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits Bandwidth
1   United States 3102993 60.58 % 90737 0.00 MB
2   (-) 1992883 38.91 % 58635 0.00 MB
3   United Kingdom 6524 0.13 % 809 0.00 MB
4   Canada 6226 0.12 % 643 0.00 MB
5   Bulgaria 320 0.01 % 288 0.00 MB
6   France 10126 0.20 % 190 0.00 MB
7   Germany 846 0.02 % 133 0.00 MB
8   Russian Federation 368 0.01 % 89 0.00 MB
9   Netherlands 205 0.00 % 54 0.00 MB
10   Romania 345 0.01 % 53 0.00 MB
11   Italy 86 0.00 % 45 0.00 MB
12   Turkey 68 0.00 % 31 0.00 MB
13   Switzerland 40 0.00 % 27 0.00 MB
14   Ukraine 69 0.00 % 23 0.00 MB
15   Czech Republic 64 0.00 % 20 0.00 MB
16   Denmark 101 0.00 % 17 0.00 MB
17   Spain 55 0.00 % 13 0.00 MB
18   Greece 74 0.00 % 10 0.00 MB
19   Portugal 215 0.00 % 8 0.00 MB
20   Hungary 8 0.00 % 7 0.00 MB
    Subtotal this Page 5121616 99.99 % 151832 0.00 MB
    Total all Pages 5122183 100.00 % 151907 0.00 MB