Top Search Keywords - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 Nov 2018 00:00 - 30 Nov 2018 23:59

This section shows the keywords that were used by the Search Engines to find your site.

  Summary - Count  

  Trend - Count  

  Top Search Keywords  
Rank   Keyword Count % of Total Count Trend
1   - 58852 62.12 %  
2   the 2745 2.90 %  
3   of 1071 1.13 %  
4   search 740 0.78 %  
5   catalog 732 0.77 %  
6   and 717 0.76 %  
7   a 522 0.55 %  
8   in 338 0.36 %  
9   on 307 0.32 %  
10   to 271 0.29 %  
11   by 189 0.20 %  
12   for 163 0.17 %  
13   dvd 126 0.13 %  
14   mah='304444' 104 0.11 %  
15   states 98 0.10 %  
16   is 94 0.10 %  
17   united 94 0.10 %  
18   committee 93 0.10 %  
19   de 93 0.10 %  
20   my 92 0.10 %  
    Subtotal this Page 67441 71.19 %  
    Total all Pages 94742 100.00 %