Top Pages - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 Nov 2018 00:00 - 30 Nov 2018 23:59

This section identifies the most popular web site pages and how often they were accessed. Values shown do not include failed requests.

  Summary - Page Views  

  Trend - Page Views  

  Top Pages  
Rank   Page Page Views % of Total Page Views Entry Page Time Spent in Seconds Average Page Serve Time (Seconds) Exit Page Bandwidth Trend
1   polaris/­default.aspx 863478 16.49 % 1297 16 0.634 1112 0.00 MB  
2   polaris/­favicon.ico 636231 12.15 % 103 6 0.100 1441 0.00 MB  
3   polaris/­search/­searchresults.aspx 477587 9.12 % 1842 3 0.398 1200 0.00 MB  
4   polaris/­search/­default.aspx 386897 7.39 % 2506 10 0.430 1799 0.00 MB  
5   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getoverdrivepatronprivileges 265125 5.06 % 4 14 0.539 1055 0.00 MB  
6   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx 264467 5.05 % 42 0 0.524 56 0.00 MB  
7   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getpatronprivileges 263906 5.04 % 16 2 0.289 198 0.00 MB  
8   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getaxis360patronprivileges 262475 5.01 % 8 7 0.539 430 0.00 MB  
9   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxavailability.aspx 225564 4.31 % 40 14 0.136 1147 0.00 MB  
10   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxcommand.aspx 211126 4.03 % 1281 174 0.174 1052 0.00 MB  
11   polaris/­logon.aspx 174357 3.33 % 4997 7 1.043 1296 0.00 MB  
12   polaris/­search/­request.aspx 168755 3.22 % 209 6 0.534 660 0.00 MB  
13   polaris/­patronaccount/­components/­ajaxpatrondatacloudlibrary3m.aspx 118810 2.27 % 11 20 1.157 2120 0.00 MB  
14   polaris/­patronaccount/­itemsout.aspx 95155 1.82 % 633 1 0.904 149 0.00 MB  
15   polaris/­patronaccount/­default.aspx 63652 1.22 % 1803 1 0.608 23 0.00 MB  
16   polaris/­search/­dispatch.aspx 55705 1.06 % 26 0 0.124 7 0.00 MB  
17   polaris/­patronaccount/­requests.aspx 48036 0.92 % 478 27 0.823 1191 0.00 MB  
18   polaris/­custom/­portal_rdl.html 47315 0.90 % 17 27 0.004 47 0.00 MB  
19   mobile/­myaccount/­logon 45580 0.87 % 3289 84 0.422 4679 0.00 MB  
20   polaris/­view.aspx 37704 0.72 % 1919 1 0.250 41 0.00 MB  
    Subtotal this Page 4711925 89.98 % 20521 420   19703 0.00 MB  
    Total all Pages 5237624 100.00 % 20521 93861733   28336 0.00 MB