Most Downloaded Files - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 Nov 2018 00:00 - 30 Nov 2018 23:59

This section shows the files most downloaded from the site. Values shown do not include failed downloads - It also does not show files which have not been downloaded.
Warning Download Managers (for example GetRight) may break a file up in segments and download a few segments at a time inflation the number of file requests.

  Summary - File Requests  

  Trend - File Requests  

  Most Downloaded Files  
Rank   Filename File Requests % of Total File Requests Bandwidth Trend
1   webadmin/­login.wdm. 0 0.00 % 0.00 MB  
2   polaris/­login.wdm. 0 0.00 % 0.00 MB  
3   polaris/­search/­login.wdm. 0 0.00 % 0.00 MB  
    Total all Pages 0 100.00 % 0.00 MB