Day of Month Activity - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 Nov 2018 00:00 - 30 Nov 2018 23:59

This section shows the activity for each day of the month for the report period. For example if there are 2 months which both contain an entry for the 5th day of the month in the report period, then the value shown is the sum of all hits for both of these days. Values shown do not include failed requests.

Legend     Humans     Spiders

  Visits by Day of Month  

  Page Views by Day of Month  

  Bandwidth by Day of Month  

  Day of Month Activity  
  Visits Page Views All
  Humans Spiders Humans Spiders Bandwidth
01 5269 1836 178262 8963 0.00 MB
02 5350 1706 187439 9690 0.00 MB
03 4850 1840 177540 10132 0.00 MB
04 4364 2493 119437 8876 0.00 MB
05 5571 2630 191268 10230 0.00 MB
06 5673 1756 194488 8729 0.00 MB
07 5642 1775 186048 9399 0.00 MB
08 5259 1789 184517 11398 0.00 MB
09 5324 1827 180020 10396 0.00 MB
10 4971 2480 180358 14382 0.00 MB
11 4279 1772 115213 11086 0.00 MB
12 5290 1418 171134 15284 0.00 MB
13 5928 1461 199514 14220 0.00 MB
14 5607 1850 192110 12859 0.00 MB
15 5169 2079 179087 16435 0.00 MB
16 5278 1985 174623 14795 0.00 MB
17 6828 3034 229350 25354 0.00 MB
18 4541 2169 158206 17155 0.00 MB
19 5455 2033 178496 16420 0.00 MB
20 5641 1920 183586 14328 0.00 MB
21 5104 1926 181167 12465 0.00 MB
22 3304 1923 96888 13624 0.00 MB
23 4798 1594 131020 11563 0.00 MB
24 5063 1311 167192 15576 0.00 MB
25 4958 1102 130830 10163 0.00 MB
26 5827 899 182189 16315 0.00 MB
27 5846 1182 214545 20786 0.00 MB
28 5539 1245 184981 15882 0.00 MB
29 5314 1307 188298 15507 0.00 MB
30 5099 1275 179046 17797 0.00 MB
Total 157141 61595 5216852 470792 0.00 MB
Maximum 6828 3034 229350 25354 0.00 MB
Minimum 3304 899 96888 8729 0.00 MB
Average 5238 2053 173895 15693 0.00 MB