Summary Statistics - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 Sep 2018 00:00 - 30 Sep 2018 23:59

This section shows a summary of what happened at your site. The report includes statistics on human visitors and spiders.

Legend     Humans     Spiders

  Visits by Day  

  Page Views by Day  

  Bandwidth by Day  

  Report Range  
Date Database contains 1 Jan 2018 00:00 - 22 Jan 2019 13:59
Date of this report 23 January 2019 08:57 (Wednesday)
Start date 1 September 2018 00:00 (Saturday)
End date 30 September 2018 23:59 (Sunday)
Total number of days 30

  Content Analysis  
  Humans Spiders
Page Views Number of successful page views 5152247 637098
Average page views per day 171742 21237
Visits Number of visits 156307 46952
Average number of visitor sessions per day 5210 1565
Visitors Unique Visitors 36712 1722
Visitors that visited once 18370 590
Visitors that visited more than once 18342 1132
Unique Visitors Per Day 1224 57
Average Visits Per Visitor 4.26 27.29
Bandwidth Data transferred 0.00 MB 0.00 MB
Average data transferred per day 0.00 MB 0.00 MB
Most Active Periods Most active hour of the day 6pm to 7pm
Most active day of the week Tuesday

Web stats by SurfStats
Surfstats Software cc.