Top Search Phrases - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 Jul 2018 00:00 - 31 Jul 2018 23:59

This section shows the search phrases that were used by users on Search Engines to find your site.

  Summary - Count  

  Trend - Count  

  Top Search Phrases  
Rank   Phrases Visits % of Total Visits Trend
1   - 1070418 69.25 %  
2   search the catalog 29976 1.94 %  
3   search catalog 22443 1.45 %  
4   yahoo 6836 0.44 %  
5   msh='284481' 6681 0.43 %  
6   justified 5031 0.33 %  
7   japanese americans 2898 0.19 %  
8   mah='165899' 2740 0.18 %  
9   msh='165025' 2252 0.15 %  
10   mte='67375628' 1816 0.12 %  
11   a blue banner biography 1804 0.12 %  
12   mah='298961' 1720 0.11 %  
13   museum passes 1258 0.08 %  
14   blu-ray 1242 0.08 %  
15   the 15:17 to paris 1182 0.08 %  
16   mah='237948' 1098 0.07 %  
17   big trouble 1093 0.07 %  
18   the president is missing 1026 0.07 %  
19   the inkwell 1024 0.07 %  
20   dvd i feel pretty 1023 0.07 %  
    Subtotal this Page 1163561 75.30 %  
    Total all Pages 1545829 100.00 %