Top Pages - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 Jul 2018 00:00 - 31 Jul 2018 23:59

This section identifies the most popular web site pages and how often they were accessed. Values shown do not include failed requests.

  Summary - Page Views  

  Trend - Page Views  

  Top Pages  
Rank   Page Page Views % of Total Page Views Entry Page Time Spent in Seconds Average Page Serve Time (Seconds) Exit Page Bandwidth Trend
1   polaris/­default.aspx 826605 14.29 % 1408 20 0.643 1065 0.00 MB  
2   polaris/­search/­searchresults.aspx 589232 10.19 % 1770 3 0.394 1048 0.00 MB  
3   polaris/­favicon.ico 540751 9.35 % 123 3 0.114 1066 0.00 MB  
4   polaris/­search/­default.aspx 388270 6.71 % 2635 14 0.449 1726 0.00 MB  
5   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getoverdrivepatronprivileges 319890 5.53 % 3 14 0.513 1105 0.00 MB  
6   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getpatronprivileges 318282 5.50 % 13 2 0.301 191 0.00 MB  
7   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx 317359 5.49 % 52 0 0.494 44 0.00 MB  
8   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getaxis360patronprivileges 315874 5.46 % 5 6 0.555 488 0.00 MB  
9   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxavailability.aspx 285279 4.93 % 53 13 0.136 1226 0.00 MB  
10   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxcommand.aspx 267765 4.63 % 1340 156 0.254 1000 0.00 MB  
11   polaris/­logon.aspx 197589 3.42 % 4817 8 1.190 1298 0.00 MB  
12   polaris/­search/­request.aspx 186797 3.23 % 219 6 0.584 705 0.00 MB  
13   polaris/­patronaccount/­components/­ajaxpatrondatacloudlibrary3m.aspx 128755 2.23 % 10 20 1.201 1830 0.00 MB  
14   polaris/­patronaccount/­itemsout.aspx 101700 1.76 % 522 1 1.156 120 0.00 MB  
15   polaris/­patronaccount/­default.aspx 71858 1.24 % 1723 1 1.007 29 0.00 MB  
16   polaris/­search/­dispatch.aspx 66563 1.15 % 25 0 0.124 8 0.00 MB  
17   mobile/­myaccount/­logon 59454 1.03 % 3378 65 0.435 6255 0.00 MB  
18   polaris/­custom/­portal_rdl.html 53761 0.93 % 23 25 0.004 25 0.00 MB  
19   polaris/­patronaccount/­requests.aspx 52127 0.90 % 408 28 1.717 1165 0.00 MB  
20   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxhoverbibsummary.aspx 45161 0.78 % 18 17 0.208 179 0.00 MB  
    Subtotal this Page 5133072 88.75 % 18545 402   20573 0.00 MB  
    Total all Pages 5784485 100.00 % 18545 106029246   30742 0.00 MB