Paid Search Engines - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 Jun 2018 00:00 - 30 Jun 2018 23:59

This section shows the Search Engines which were used to find your site. Only Paid Search Engines are shown. To be classified as "Paid", the following parameter pair must be added to the URL called by the Search engine: source="Search Engine" where the "Search Engine" must be replaced with the search engine name
Example: Coming from overture

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Paid Search Engines  
Rank     Engine Visits % of Total Visits
1   Google 74 88.10 %
2   http:­/­/mj89sp3sau2k7lj1eg3k40hkeppguj6j-a-sites-opensocial.g 4 4.76 %
3   https:­/­/­/ 3 3.57 %
4   http:­/­/­/ 1 1.19 %
5   http:­/­/­/galway-public-library-new 1 1.19 %
6   http:­/­/­/about-us­/board-of-trustees 1 1.19 %
      Total all Pages 84 100.00 %