Top Spider Pages - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 May 2018 00:00 - 31 May 2018 23:59

This section identifies the most popular web site pages accessed by robots (Spiders) and how often they were accessed. Values shown do not include failed requests.

  Summary - Page Views  

  Trend - Page Views  

  Top Spider Pages  
Rank   Page Page Views % of Total Page Views Exit Page Trend
1   polaris 98191 27.87 % 4200  
2   mobile/­search/­results 93851 26.64 % 670  
3   polaris/­search 89858 25.51 % 2853  
4   12064 3.42 % 114  
5   mobile/­search/­advanced 11842 3.36 % 304  
6   mobile/­marcview/­marcview 7283 2.07 % 2  
7   mobile/­myaccount/­logon 6824 1.94 % 12071  
8   mobile 5528 1.57 % 8947  
9   mobile/­syndetics/­largeimage 4222 1.20 % 5  
10   polaris/­patronaccount 3651 1.04 % 1226  
11   polaris/­library 3545 1.01 % 94  
12   polaris/­custom 3052 0.87 % 622  
13   mobile/­search 1954 0.55 % 583  
14   polaris/­children 1598 0.45 % 14  
15   mobile/­search/­addtotitlelist 1393 0.40 % 4  
16   mobile/­search/­novelist 1178 0.33 % 4  
17   mobile/­syndetics/­authornotes 846 0.24 % 0  
18   polaris/­search/­components 659 0.19 % 1290  
19   mobile/­syndetics/­summary 610 0.17 % 29  
20   polaris/­help 552 0.16 % 2  
    Subtotal this Page 348701 98.99 % 33034  
    Total all Pages 352256 100.00 % 34923