Top Search Phrases - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 May 2018 00:00 - 31 May 2018 23:59

This section shows the search phrases that were used by users on Search Engines to find your site.

  Summary - Count  

  Trend - Count  

  Top Search Phrases  
Rank   Phrases Visits % of Total Visits Trend
1   - 761858 73.79 %  
2   search the catalog 26415 2.56 %  
3   search catalog 13664 1.32 %  
4   go! 9374 0.91 %  
5   mte='669999' 4386 0.42 %  
6   mah='404128' 2758 0.27 %  
7   california 2436 0.24 %  
8   brokenwood 1554 0.15 %  
9   zuni 1356 0.13 %  
10   winchester 1150 0.11 %  
11   harry potter 1092 0.11 %  
12   peep leap 1034 0.10 %  
13   abenaki indians 988 0.10 %  
14   community 985 0.10 %  
15   pony pals 933 0.09 %  
16   mah='423630' 812 0.08 %  
17   mah='304444' 802 0.08 %  
18   a kids guide to the middle east 773 0.07 %  
19   little fires everywhere 769 0.07 %  
20   museum pass 726 0.07 %  
    Subtotal this Page 833865 80.77 %  
    Total all Pages 1032460 100.00 %