Top Pages and Parameters - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 May 2018 00:00 - 31 May 2018 23:59

This section identifies the most popular web site pages as well as URL Parameters if selected. Values shown do not include failed requests.

  Summary - Page Views  

  Trend - Page Views  

  Top Pages and Parameters  
Rank   Page Page Views % of Total Page Views Entry Page Time Spent in Seconds Exit Page Bandwidth Trend
1   polaris/­default.aspx 851914 15.83 % 2323 24738743 1688 0.00 MB  
2   polaris/­favicon.ico 456462 8.48 % 87 16443772 1090 0.00 MB  
3   polaris/­search/­searchresults.aspx 445670 8.28 % 1359 1495996 1089 0.00 MB  
4   polaris/­search/­default.aspx 359039 6.67 % 3984 9184485 1134 0.00 MB  
5   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxavailability.aspx 241400 4.48 % 36 3432032 1124 0.00 MB  
6   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getoverdrivepatronprivileges 241067 4.48 % 7 3347589 811 0.00 MB  
7   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx 239692 4.45 % 34 68086 19 0.00 MB  
8   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getpatronprivileges 238901 4.44 % 5 573489 143 0.00 MB  
9   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getaxis360patronprivileges 238732 4.44 % 6 1821049 445 0.00 MB  
10   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxcommand.aspx 219549 4.08 % 1102 40626238 966 0.00 MB  
11   polaris/­help/­content/­1033/­keyword.htm 181463 3.37 % 18 5667109 327 0.00 MB  
12   polaris/­logon.aspx 158838 2.95 % 5636 1073350 831 0.00 MB  
13   mobile/­myaccount/­logon 145842 2.71 % 4170 6127757 12071 0.00 MB  
14   polaris/­search/­request.aspx 145780 2.71 % 121 845753 535 0.00 MB  
15   polaris/­patronaccount/­components/­ajaxpatrondatacloudlibrary3m.aspx 90538 1.68 % 9 1734236 1536 0.00 MB  
16   mobile/­search/­results/­default.htm 72616 1.35 % 315 932200 667 0.00 MB  
17   mobile/­default.htm 71036 1.32 % 4889 3338596 6745 0.00 MB  
18   polaris/­patronaccount/­default.aspx 67754 1.26 % 4098 61409 12 0.00 MB  
19   polaris/­patronaccount/­itemsout.aspx 63677 1.18 % 692 88254 65 0.00 MB  
20   polaris/­search/­dispatch.aspx 52511 0.98 % 25 9252 6 0.00 MB  
    Subtotal this Page 4582481 85.14 % 28916 121609395 31304 0.00 MB  
    Total all Pages 5382743 100.00 % 28916 135502051 42979 0.00 MB