Top Visitor Countries - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 Apr 2018 00:00 - 30 Apr 2018 23:59

This section identifies the countries where your visitors are registered. It may not be the actual location of the visitor. Note : Domain names which were not resolved are shown as " Unknown "

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Summary - Visits  

  Top Visitor Countries  
Rank   Country Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits Bandwidth
1   United States 3676733 65.31 % 121685 0.00 MB
2   (-) 1924320 34.18 % 77438 0.00 MB
3   Canada 10148 0.18 % 967 0.00 MB
4   United Kingdom 5351 0.10 % 627 0.00 MB
5   China 843 0.01 % 500 0.00 MB
6   Bulgaria 261 0.00 % 261 0.00 MB
7   France 1523 0.03 % 202 0.00 MB
8   Italy 886 0.02 % 184 0.00 MB
9   Japan 4919 0.09 % 170 0.00 MB
10   Germany 866 0.02 % 111 0.00 MB
11   Netherlands 204 0.00 % 95 0.00 MB
12   Russian Federation 110 0.00 % 51 0.00 MB
13   Ireland 202 0.00 % 40 0.00 MB
14   Switzerland 42 0.00 % 27 0.00 MB
15   South Korea 61 0.00 % 26 0.00 MB
16   India 67 0.00 % 20 0.00 MB
17   Ukraine 192 0.00 % 20 0.00 MB
18   Romania 35 0.00 % 18 0.00 MB
19   South Africa 117 0.00 % 18 0.00 MB
20   Denmark 72 0.00 % 16 0.00 MB
    Subtotal this Page 5626952 99.94 % 202476 0.00 MB
    Total all Pages 5629661 100.00 % 202722 0.00 MB