Organic Search Engines - pac 2 - pac2  
Report Range: 1 Apr 2018 00:00 - 30 Apr 2018 23:59

This section shows the Organic Search Engines which were used to find your site.

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Organic Search Engines  
Rank     Engine Visits % of Total Visits
1   http:­/­/­/ 76 5.68 %
2   http:­/­/­/ 75 5.60 %
3   https:­/­/­/ 71 5.30 %
4   http:­/­/­/clck­/jsredir 70 5.23 %
5   http:­/­/­/_layouts­/commerceserver­/itemde 62 4.63 %
6   http:­/­/­/ 50 3.73 %
7   Google 41 3.06 %
8   http:­/­/­/ 40 2.99 %
9   http:­/­/­/c.php 34 2.54 %
10   http:­/­/mj89sp3sau2k7lj1eg3k40hkeppguj6j-a-sites-opensocial.g 33 2.46 %
11   http:­/­/­/item.html 30 2.24 %
12   http:­/­/­/polaris­/search­/searchresults.aspx 30 2.24 %
13   http:­/­/­/novp­/detail 29 2.17 %
14   http:­/­/­/search 28 2.09 %
15   http:­/­/­/ 27 2.02 %
16   http:­/­/­/novp­/detail 27 2.02 %
17   http:­/­/­/ 23 1.72 %
18   http:­/­/­/ 22 1.64 %
19   http:­/­/­/w­/index.php 19 1.42 %
20   https:­/­/­/ftl­/cgi-bin­/ftl 19 1.42 %
      Subtotal this Page 806 60.20 %
      Total all Pages 1339 100.00 %