Top Visitor States - pac  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2018 00:00 - 28 Feb 2018 23:59 (-5)

This section displays the states human visitors came from.

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Top Visitor States  
Rank   State Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits
1   - 8941671 100.00 % 267918
    Total all Pages 8941671 100.00 % 267918

SurfStats Website Traffic Analyzer - Top Visitor Cities Report
  Top Visitor Cities - pac  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2018 00:00 - 28 Feb 2018 23:59 (-5)

This section displays the cities human visitors came from.

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Top Visitor Cities  
Rank   City Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits
1   - 8941671 100.00 % 267918
    Total all Pages 8941671 100.00 % 267918

SurfStats Website Traffic Analyzer - Top Visitor Regions and Countries Report
  Top Visitor Regions and Countries - pac  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2018 00:00 - 28 Feb 2018 23:59 (-5)

This section displays the regions and countries human visitors came from.

Rank Region Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits
Hide Details (0) North America 232698
1 Commercial 6736205 75.33 % 195192
2 Network 985815 11.02 % 31565
3 Non-Profit Org. 435624 4.87 % 621
4 Educational 90784 1.02 % 4400
5 USA Government 9522 0.11 % 339
6 United States 5175 0.06 % 214
7 USA Military 2260 0.03 % 105
8 Canada 1404 0.02 % 183
9 Mexico 505 0.01 % 54
10 Virgin Islands(USA) 253 0.00 % 13
11 Cayman Islands 83 0.00 % 3
12 Guatemala 32 0.00 % 3
13 Bermuda 17 0.00 % 1
14 Old style Arpanet 6 0.00 % 4
15 Iceland 1 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 8267686 92.47 % 232698
Hide Details (1) Unknown 32037
1 Unknown 575169 6.43 % 31462
2 (Ameruica) 3687 0.04 % 100
3 (adsl) 1327 0.01 % 346
4 (host) 293 0.00 % 78
5 (info) 78 0.00 % 4
6 (reverse-) 61 0.00 % 26
7 (pub) 36 0.00 % 2
8 (availabl) 22 0.00 % 1
9 (tld) 22 0.00 % 1
10 (biz) 18 0.00 % 2
11 (spoofed) 12 0.00 % 1
12 (software) 11 0.00 % 1
13 (chicago) 10 0.00 % 2
14 (network) 4 0.00 % 1
15 (ip) 4 0.00 % 2
16 (me) 2 0.00 % 2
17 (top) 2 0.00 % 1
18 (email) 1 0.00 % 1
19 (location) 1 0.00 % 1
20 (rs) 1 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 580761 6.48 % 32035
Hide Details (2) Europe 1332
1 British Indian Ocean Terr 27166 0.30 % 478
2 European Union 3706 0.04 % 466
3 Germany 519 0.01 % 171
4 Netherlands 259 0.00 % 35
5 Norway 184 0.00 % 5
6 France 152 0.00 % 13
7 Luxembourg 127 0.00 % 8
8 Switzerland 128 0.00 % 10
9 Italy 112 0.00 % 22
10 Poland 109 0.00 % 56
11 Austria 96 0.00 % 9
12 Belgium 91 0.00 % 4
13 Ukraine 72 0.00 % 8
14 Romania 63 0.00 % 18
15 Lithuania 59 0.00 % 3
16 Ireland 51 0.00 % 4
17 Spain 43 0.00 % 4
18 Greece 29 0.00 % 2
19 Moldavia 25 0.00 % 6
20 Belarus 18 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 33009 0.35 % 1323
Hide Details (3) South America 133
1 Brazil 25672 0.29 % 91
2 Argentina 146 0.00 % 9
3 Colombia 68 0.00 % 22
4 Chile 35 0.00 % 2
5 Ecuador 22 0.00 % 5
6 Trinidad and Tobago 5 0.00 % 1
7 Aruba 4 0.00 % 2
8 Nicaragua 1 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 25953 0.29 % 133
Hide Details (4) Africa 1407
1 South Africa 31415 0.35 % 1396
2 Namibia 49 0.00 % 4
3 Tanzania 8 0.00 % 1
4 Libya 7 0.00 % 5
5 Madagascar 2 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 31481 0.35 % 1407
Hide Details (5) Asia 267
1 Russian Federation 1339 0.01 % 120
2 India 150 0.00 % 13
3 Pakistan 133 0.00 % 5
4 Japan 79 0.00 % 22
5 China 72 0.00 % 76
6 Singapore 68 0.00 % 4
7 Vietnam 51 0.00 % 11
8 Thailand 52 0.00 % 5
9 Philippines 38 0.00 % 3
10 Cambodia 8 0.00 % 1
11 Sri Lanka 9 0.00 % 1
12 Taiwan 7 0.00 % 2
13 Indonesia 4 0.00 % 3
14 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 2 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 2012 0.01 % 267
Hide Details (6) Oceania 26
1 Australia 407 0.00 % 15
2 Palau 124 0.00 % 2
3 Tokelau 22 0.00 % 2
4 New Zealand 23 0.00 % 7
SubTotal 576 0 % 26
Hide Details (7) Middle East 18
1 Iran 130 0.00 % 5
2 Israel 19 0.00 % 9
3 United Arab Emirates 6 0.00 % 2
4 Bahrain 1 0.00 % 1
5 Jordan 1 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 157 0 % 18
  Subtotal this Page 0 0.00 % 0
  Total all Pages 8941671 0.00 % 267918