Top Spider Pages - pac  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2018 00:00 - 28 Feb 2018 23:59 (-5)

This section identifies the most popular web site pages accessed by robots (Spiders) and how often they were accessed. Values shown do not include failed requests.

  Summary - Page Views  

  Trend - Page Views  

  Top Spider Pages  
Rank   Page Page Views % of Total Page Views Exit Page Trend
1   polaris 204724 47.18 % 21413  
2   polaris/­search 199211 45.91 % 12332  
3   polaris/­patronaccount 15734 3.63 % 5837  
4   polaris/­custom 7122 1.64 % 1675  
5   polaris/­library 3876 0.89 % 170  
6   polaris/­help/­content/­1033 1311 0.30 % 569  
7   polaris/­help 991 0.23 % 18  
8   polaris/­search/­components 705 0.16 % 2144  
9   polaris/­library/­userdef 175 0.04 % 0  
10   polaris/­rss 21 0.00 % 58  
11   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getoverdrivepatronprivileges 14 0.00 % 90  
12   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getaxis360patronprivileges 13 0.00 % 48  
13   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getpatronprivileges 13 0.00 % 13  
14   polaris/­patronaccount/­components 9 0.00 % 154  
15   polaris/­search/­misc 2 0.00 % 0  
16   polaris/­... 1 0.00 % 0  
17   polaris/­custom/­& 1 0.00 % 0  
    Total all Pages 433923 100.00 % 44521