Top Search Phrases - pac  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2018 00:00 - 28 Feb 2018 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the search phrases that were used by users on Search Engines to find your site.

  Summary - Count  

  Trend - Count  

  Top Search Phrases  
Rank   Phrases Visits % of Total Visits Trend
1   - 1573995 75.14 %  
2   search the catalog 52042 2.48 %  
3   search catalog 32373 1.55 %  
4   go! 8527 0.41 %  
5   statistical abstract of the united states 5412 0.26 %  
6   mte='461669' 4948 0.24 %  
7   mah='491426' 3846 0.18 %  
8   mah='390877' 3822 0.18 %  
9   msh='107111' 3262 0.16 %  
10   mte='-737618372' 2511 0.12 %  
11   mah='12206' 2432 0.12 %  
12   mah='431733' 2288 0.11 %  
13   mah='304444' 2151 0.10 %  
14   enchantment of the world 1943 0.09 %  
15   5652982 1734 0.08 %  
16   mte='275021' 1704 0.08 %  
17   msh='102335' 1685 0.08 %  
18   mte='503367' 1516 0.07 %  
19   rookie read-about geography 1480 0.07 %  
20   mah='267545' 1400 0.07 %  
    Subtotal this Page 1709071 81.59 %  
    Total all Pages 2094631 100.00 %