Detail Monthly Activity - pac  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2018 00:00 - 28 Feb 2018 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the activity for each month of the requested report period. For example if there are 2 months for which log data is available, then the values shown are the sum for each specific month. Values shown do not include failed requests.

Legend     Humans     Spiders

  Visits by Month  

  Page Views by Month  

  Bandwidth by Month  

  Detail Monthly Activity  
  Visits Page Views All
  Humans Spiders Humans Spiders Bandwidth
201801 125454 50009 4774632 205485 0.00 MB
201802 114425 56210 4215664 229544 0.00 MB
Total 239879 118228 8990296 484215 0.00 MB
Maximum 125454 56210 4774632 229544 0.00 MB
Minimum 114425 50009 4215664 205485 0.00 MB
Average 119940 59114 4495148 242108 0.00 MB