Top Visitor Regions and Countries - pac  
Report Range: 1 Mar 2017 00:00 - 31 Mar 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section displays the regions and countries human visitors came from.

Rank Region Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits
Hide Details (0) North America 124958
1 Commercial 3694750 76.23 % 104273
2 Network 352196 7.27 % 18112
3 Non-Profit Org. 228213 4.71 % 383
4 Educational 42472 0.88 % 1519
5 USA Government 4439 0.09 % 119
6 Canada 1440 0.03 % 258
7 United States 1396 0.03 % 208
8 USA Military 715 0.01 % 57
9 Mexico 293 0.01 % 17
10 Old style Arpanet 62 0.00 % 5
11 Cayman Islands 30 0.00 % 2
12 Guatemala 25 0.00 % 1
13 Virgin Islands(USA) 3 0.00 % 3
14 Iceland 2 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 4326036 89.26 % 124958
Hide Details (1) Unknown 17235
1 Unknown 475009 9.80 % 16813
2 (Ameruica) 3910 0.08 % 94
3 (adsl) 745 0.02 % 196
4 (chicago) 188 0.00 % 66
5 (host) 106 0.00 % 52
6 (space) 26 0.00 % 1
7 (rrcs-24-) 9 0.00 % 1
8 (lnoca) 8 0.00 % 1
9 (location) 4 0.00 % 1
10 (me) 3 0.00 % 2
11 (pub) 2 0.00 % 3
12 (company) 2 0.00 % 2
13 (rs) 2 0.00 % 1
14 (sx) 1 0.00 % 1
15 (xyz) 1 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 480016 9.9 % 17235
Hide Details (2) Africa 1010
1 South Africa 22951 0.47 % 997
2 Equatorial Guinea 17 0.00 % 10
3 Dominican Republic 11 0.00 % 1
4 Gambia 8 0.00 % 1
5 Libya 1 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 22988 0.47 % 1010
Hide Details (3) Europe 815
1 British Indian Ocean Terr 6877 0.14 % 282
2 European Union 3515 0.07 % 127
3 Austria 747 0.02 % 18
4 Germany 469 0.01 % 75
5 France 697 0.01 % 86
6 United Kingdom 447 0.01 % 122
7 Italy 205 0.00 % 15
8 Luxembourg 211 0.00 % 9
9 Netherlands 145 0.00 % 18
10 Turkey 65 0.00 % 5
11 Romania 32 0.00 % 4
12 Denmark 35 0.00 % 4
13 Sweden 32 0.00 % 6
14 Andorra 26 0.00 % 1
15 Greece 21 0.00 % 5
16 Ukraine 14 0.00 % 3
17 Belgium 20 0.00 % 4
18 Poland 18 0.00 % 8
19 Lithuania 14 0.00 % 4
20 Czech Republic 9 0.00 % 2
SubTotal 13599 0.26 % 798
Hide Details (4) Asia 500
1 Russian Federation 1598 0.03 % 181
2 Japan 1512 0.03 % 239
3 Bhutan 147 0.00 % 1
4 China 96 0.00 % 17
5 Singapore 115 0.00 % 17
6 India 109 0.00 % 21
7 Thailand 90 0.00 % 1
8 Cambodia 35 0.00 % 2
9 Taiwan 12 0.00 % 3
10 Vietnam 10 0.00 % 6
11 Maldives 10 0.00 % 1
12 Philippines 6 0.00 % 2
13 Malaysia 5 0.00 % 3
14 Indonesia 4 0.00 % 2
15 Pakistan 3 0.00 % 3
16 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 3753 0.06 % 500
Hide Details (5) South America 42
1 Aruba 129 0.00 % 6
2 Brazil 77 0.00 % 12
3 Colombia 23 0.00 % 11
4 Paraguay 23 0.00 % 2
5 Argentina 19 0.00 % 9
6 Trinidad and Tobago 6 0.00 % 1
7 Ecuador 1 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 278 0 % 42
Hide Details (6) Middle East 14
1 United Arab Emirates 74 0.00 % 7
2 Iran 27 0.00 % 2
3 Lebanon 43 0.00 % 1
4 Jordan 16 0.00 % 1
5 Israel 7 0.00 % 2
6 Oman 2 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 169 0 % 14
Hide Details (7) Oceania 17
1 Australia 110 0.00 % 16
2 New Zealand 5 0.00 % 1
SubTotal 115 0 % 17
  Subtotal this Page 0 0.00 % 0
  Total all Pages 4846996 0.00 % 144591