Top Visitor Countries - pac  
Report Range: 1 Feb 2017 00:00 - 28 Feb 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section identifies the countries where your visitors are registered. It may not be the actual location of the visitor. Note : Domain names which were not resolved are shown as " Unknown "

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Summary - Visits  

  Top Visitor Countries  
Rank   Country Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits Bandwidth
1   China 255330 5.85 % 244046 0.00 MB
2   United States 2809706 64.34 % 67153 0.00 MB
3   (-) 1270917 29.10 % 43752 0.00 MB
4   United Kingdom 8628 0.20 % 1348 0.00 MB
5   Canada 7576 0.17 % 619 0.00 MB
6   Japan 6610 0.15 % 333 0.00 MB
7   France 1930 0.04 % 181 0.00 MB
8   Germany 541 0.01 % 156 0.00 MB
9   Netherlands 389 0.01 % 86 0.00 MB
10   Russian Federation 259 0.01 % 37 0.00 MB
11   Mexico 385 0.01 % 30 0.00 MB
12   South Korea 246 0.01 % 29 0.00 MB
13   India 265 0.01 % 26 0.00 MB
14   Italy 628 0.01 % 25 0.00 MB
15   Switzerland 48 0.00 % 22 0.00 MB
16   Austria 483 0.01 % 21 0.00 MB
17   Former Czechoslovakia 42 0.00 % 20 0.00 MB
18   Luxembourg 383 0.01 % 20 0.00 MB
19   Hong Kong 119 0.00 % 19 0.00 MB
20   Cayman Islands 71 0.00 % 17 0.00 MB
    Subtotal this Page 4364556 99.94 % 357940 0.00 MB
    Total all Pages 4367110 100.00 % 358208 0.00 MB