Top Search Keywords - pac  
Report Range: 1 Feb 2017 00:00 - 28 Feb 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the keywords that were used by the Search Engines to find your site.

  Summary - Count  

  Trend - Count  

  Top Search Keywords  
Rank   Keyword Count % of Total Count Trend
1   - 132923 34.14 %  
2   au= 23133 5.94 %  
3   su= 20299 5.21 %  
4   se= 14345 3.68 %  
5   the 3616 0.93 %  
6   of 2778 0.71 %  
7   and 2103 0.54 %  
8   series 1560 0.40 %  
9   a 1524 0.39 %  
10   fiction 1245 0.32 %  
11   novel 1203 0.31 %  
12   search 891 0.23 %  
13   catalog 876 0.23 %  
14   films 812 0.21 %  
15   firm 800 0.21 %  
16   in 797 0.20 %  
17   book 776 0.20 %  
18   mystery 762 0.20 %  
19   stories 747 0.19 %  
20   large 703 0.18 %  
    Subtotal this Page 211893 54.42 %  
    Total all Pages 389307 100.00 %