Top Search Keywords - pac  
Report Range: 1 Dec 2017 00:00 - 31 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the keywords that were used by the Search Engines to find your site.

  Summary - Count  

  Trend - Count  

  Top Search Keywords  
Rank   Keyword Count % of Total Count Trend
1   - 59770 71.76 %  
2   the 1878 2.25 %  
3   of 799 0.96 %  
4   search 741 0.89 %  
5   catalog 733 0.88 %  
6   and 370 0.44 %  
7   a 322 0.39 %  
8   in 208 0.25 %  
9   to 182 0.22 %  
10   dvd 126 0.15 %  
11   for 112 0.13 %  
12   christmas 84 0.10 %  
13   how 68 0.08 %  
14   on 67 0.08 %  
15   book 63 0.08 %  
16   by 63 0.08 %  
17   game 59 0.07 %  
18   with 59 0.07 %  
19   season 58 0.07 %  
20   life 56 0.07 %  
    Subtotal this Page 65818 79.02 %  
    Total all Pages 83295 100.00 %