Top Spider Countries - pac  
Report Range: 1 Nov 2017 00:00 - 30 Nov 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section identifies the countries where the search engine of your visiting spiders are registered. It may not be the actual location of the search engine. Note : Domain names which cannot be found are shown as " Unknown "

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Top Spider Countries  
Rank   Country Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits
1   (-) 162438 60.30 % 19596
2   Italy 29568 10.98 % 14822
3   United States 67377 25.01 % 4719
4   United Kingdom 2636 0.98 % 1883
5   China 709 0.26 % 761
6   Germany 4085 1.52 % 671
7   Russian Federation 1712 0.64 % 349
8   Canada 126 0.05 % 126
9   Romania 62 0.02 % 50
10   Austria 122 0.05 % 41
11   Switzerland 84 0.03 % 38
12   Poland 267 0.10 % 22
13   Japan 39 0.01 % 21
14   Czech Republic 24 0.01 % 18
15   Hungary 12 0.00 % 6
16   Bulgaria 15 0.01 % 4
17   Mexico 78 0.03 % 3
18   Netherlands 10 0.00 % 3
19   India 3 0.00 % 2
20   Australia 5 0.00 % 1
    Subtotal this Page 269372 100.00 % 43136
    Total all Pages 269373 100.00 % 43137