Requests causing Errors - pac  
Report Range: 1 Nov 2017 00:00 - 30 Nov 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the requests that caused errors on the site. It is best to investigate the cause of errors by inspecting these web pages.

  Summary - Count  

  Requests causing Errors  
Requests causing Errors
Error code Error description Filename Count % of Total
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­view.aspx 27251 56.68
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­default.aspx 6019 12.52
404 Page or File not found /­polaris/­ 4383 9.12
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­search/­searchresults.aspx 3579 7.44
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­logon.aspx 1233 2.56
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­ 1125 2.34
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­addons/­libraryelf.aspx 980 2.04
500 Internal Server Error /­polaris/­error.aspx 594 1.24
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­message.aspx 574 1.19
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­search/­default.aspx 550 1.14
404 Page or File not found /­polaris/­themes/­shared/­fonts/­glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 446 0.93
404 Page or File not found /­polaris/­index.php 229 0.48
400 Bad Request /­polaris.applicationservices/­api/­v1/­eng/­20/­polaris/­1/­1/­cultureinfo 196 0.41
500 Internal Server Error /­polaris/­default.aspx 193 0.40
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­search/­browse.aspx 186 0.39
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­custom/­portal_rdl.html 154 0.32
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­error.aspx 124 0.26
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­custom/­econtent.aspx 102 0.21
500 Internal Server Error /­polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getaxis360patronprivileges 92 0.19
403 Forbidden /­polaris/­search/­title.aspx 72 0.15
  Total   48082