Top Pages - pac  
Report Range: 1 Oct 2017 00:00 - 31 Oct 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section identifies the most popular web site pages and how often they were accessed. Values shown do not include failed requests.

  Summary - Page Views  

  Trend - Page Views  

  Top Pages  
Rank   Page Page Views % of Total Page Views Entry Page Time Spent in Seconds Average Page Serve Time (Seconds) Exit Page Bandwidth Trend
1   polaris/­default.aspx 695892 15.85 % 4310 39 0.504 3109 0.00 MB  
2   polaris/­search/­searchresults.aspx 547117 12.46 % 6896 16 0.519 6485 0.00 MB  
3   polaris/­search/­default.aspx 307710 7.01 % 3563 31 0.536 3213 0.00 MB  
4   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxavailability.aspx 262588 5.98 % 39 13 0.136 1006 0.00 MB  
5   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getoverdrivepatronprivileges 254925 5.81 % 5 13 0.697 866 0.00 MB  
6   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getpatronprivileges 252966 5.76 % 5 2 0.353 155 0.00 MB  
7   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx/­getaxis360patronprivileges 252813 5.76 % 5 8 0.689 470 0.00 MB  
8   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxresults.aspx 252210 5.75 % 26 0 0.461 26 0.00 MB  
9   polaris/­favicon.ico 229527 5.23 % 90 29 0.430 967 0.00 MB  
10   polaris/­search/­components/­ajaxcommand.aspx 214504 4.89 % 993 178 0.213 944 0.00 MB  
11   polaris/­logon.aspx 166934 3.80 % 5193 14 0.907 3643 0.00 MB  
12   polaris/­search/­request.aspx 155991 3.55 % 131 5 0.605 553 0.00 MB  
13   polaris/­help/­content/­1033/­keyword.htm 126077 2.87 % 14 39 0.272 326 0.00 MB  
14   polaris/­patronaccount/­components/­ajaxpatrondatacloudlibrary3m.aspx 94072 2.14 % 8 19 1.315 1440 0.00 MB  
15   polaris/­patronaccount/­default.aspx 71875 1.64 % 3828 5 0.497 1404 0.00 MB  
16   polaris/­patronaccount/­itemsout.aspx 66269 1.51 % 653 1 0.968 65 0.00 MB  
17   polaris/­search/­dispatch.aspx 54763 1.25 % 43 0 0.131 17 0.00 MB  
18   polaris/­patronaccount/­requests.aspx 43996 1.00 % 416 23 0.699 825 0.00 MB  
19   polaris/­view.aspx 41361 0.94 % 2193 13 0.295 835 0.00 MB  
20   polaris/­search/­components/­bibtype.aspx 33725 0.77 % 13 0 0.214 27 0.00 MB  
    Subtotal this Page 4125315 93.97 % 28424 448   26376 0.00 MB  
    Total all Pages 4390018 100.00 % 28424 121365599   30231 0.00 MB