Top Visitor Regions - directory  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 11 Apr 2019 23:59 (-5)

This section displays the regions human visitors came from.

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Top Visitor Regions  
Rank   Region Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits
1   North America 163961 41.86 % 73932
2   Unknown 153733 39.25 % 65725
3   Europe 50637 12.93 % 20676
4   Asia 20658 5.27 % 9408
5   South America 670 0.17 % 504
6   Africa 1519 0.39 % 275
7   Middle East 388 0.10 % 196
8   Oceania 154 0.04 % 70
    Total all Pages 391720 100.00 % 170786