Top Visitor Countries - directory  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 11 Apr 2019 23:59 (-5)

This section identifies the countries where your visitors are registered. It may not be the actual location of the visitor. Note : Domain names which were not resolved are shown as " Unknown "

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  Summary - Visits  

  Top Visitor Countries  
Rank   Country Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits Bandwidth
1   United States 160639 41.01 % 71891 1,023.90 MB
2   (-) 153654 39.23 % 65682 1,067.66 MB
3   United Kingdom 23154 5.91 % 7422 133.46 MB
4   Japan 10247 2.62 % 5112 69.09 MB
5   Germany 7741 1.98 % 4562 47.66 MB
6   Netherlands 4348 1.11 % 2464 31.43 MB
7   China 6200 1.58 % 2343 33.10 MB
8   Canada 3168 0.81 % 1948 22.24 MB
9   Ukraine 3255 0.83 % 1445 20.58 MB
10   France 3182 0.81 % 1427 19.86 MB
11   South Korea 715 0.18 % 538 4.72 MB
12   Russian Federation 1732 0.44 % 536 8.19 MB
13   Poland 1669 0.43 % 531 11.70 MB
14   Luxembourg 1330 0.34 % 522 7.54 MB
15   Brazil 450 0.11 % 335 2.64 MB
16   Turkey 753 0.19 % 323 4.43 MB
17   Italy 1134 0.29 % 311 7.72 MB
18   Romania 589 0.15 % 265 3.50 MB
19   Switzerland 347 0.09 % 207 2.09 MB
20   India 430 0.11 % 207 2.66 MB
    Subtotal this Page 384737 98.22 % 168071 2,524.18 MB
    Total all Pages 391720 100.00 % 170786 2,560.44 MB