Top Search Engines - directory  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 11 Apr 2019 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the Search Engines which were used to find your site.

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Top Search Engines  
Rank     Engine Visits % of Total Visits
1   Google 14262 61.21 %
2   Yahoo! 2871 12.32 %
3   http:­/­/­/search 2863 12.29 %
4   America on line 635 2.73 %
5   Ask 256 1.10 %
6   http:­/­/­/crs­/servlet­/ 133 0.57 %
7   http:­/­/­/ 118 0.51 %
8   http:­/­/­/try.php 108 0.46 %
9   http:­/­/­/try.php 71 0.30 %
10   http:­/­/­/clck­/jsredir 70 0.30 %
11   http:­/­/­/wp­/ 67 0.29 %
12   http:­/­/­/search­/ggmain.jhtml 67 0.29 %
13   http:­/­/­/try.php 65 0.28 %
14   http:­/­/­/search 62 0.27 %
15   http:­/­/­/ 59 0.25 %
16   http:­/­/­/ 58 0.25 %
17   http:­/­/­/try.php 54 0.23 %
18   http:­/­/­/mywebsearch­/ggmain.jhtml 52 0.22 %
19   http:­/­/­/try.php 51 0.22 %
20   http:­/­/­/ 50 0.21 %
      Subtotal this Page 21972 94.30 %
      Total all Pages 23302 100.00 %