Top Pages - directory  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 11 Apr 2019 23:59 (-5)

This section identifies the most popular web site pages and how often they were accessed. Values shown do not include failed requests.

  Summary - Page Views  

  Trend - Page Views  

  Top Pages  
Rank   Page Page Views % of Total Page Views Entry Page Time Spent in Seconds Average Page Serve Time (Seconds) Exit Page Bandwidth Trend
1   library.php 267756 68.39 % 102602 38 0.940 116262 2,905.81 MB  
2   default.htm 92480 23.62 % 64401 45 0.501 45107 750.75 MB  
3   index.php 16503 4.22 % 3168 32 0.309 8258 132.50 MB  
4   admin/­update_lib.php 3272 0.84 % 11 14 0.066 50 23.15 MB  
5   admin/­edit_board.php 2481 0.63 % 2 32 0.070 101 11.60 MB  
6   admin/­index.php 990 0.25 % 7 36 0.131 53 8.95 MB  
7   admin/­print.php 841 0.21 % 13 109 0.730 219 59.27 MB  
8   admin/­default.htm 699 0.18 % 67 28 0.176 18 6.30 MB  
9   admin/­del_board.php 681 0.17 % 0 14 0.057 16 2.91 MB  
10   library.php/­index.php 680 0.17 % 0 0 0.273 2 0.24 MB  
11   admin/­add_board.php 632 0.16 % 0 72 0.069 34 2.96 MB  
12   library.php/­register/­index.php 532 0.14 % 0 0 0.287 4 0.19 MB  
13   admin/­edit_staff.php 442 0.11 % 0 15 0.133 12 2.02 MB  
14   admin 402 0.10 % 1 0 0.089 0 0.16 MB  
15   admin/­districts.php 314 0.08 % 5 23 0.070 9 1.63 MB  
16   admin/­edit_stats.php 273 0.07 % 0 45 0.069 14 1.27 MB  
17   admin/­edit_lib.php 269 0.07 % 1 27 0.127 13 1.93 MB  
18   admin/­edit_director.php 230 0.06 % 1 57 0.138 25 1.14 MB  
19   admin/­edit_hours.php 207 0.05 % 1 75 0.140 22 1.88 MB  
20   admin/­edit_fol.php 195 0.05 % 0 10 0.122 2 0.84 MB  
    Subtotal this Page 389879 99.57 % 170280 672   170221 3,915.49 MB  
    Total all Pages 391529 100.00 % 170280 15461411   170430 3,921.53 MB