Top Spider Organizations - directory  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2018 23:59 (-5)

This section identifies the spider organization and its relative activity level on the site. Values shown do not include failed requests.

  Summary - Visits  

  Trend - Visits  

  Top Spider Organizations  
Rank   Spider Page Views % of Total Page Views Visits
1   - 133750 65.51 % 66932
2   Googlebot 36757 18.00 % 21617
3   msnbot 24297 11.90 % 9917
4   Slurp 7096 3.48 % 5649
5   Mozilla 1539 0.75 % 851
6   ia_archiver 394 0.19 % 241
7   Firefox 113 0.06 % 84
8   Google Chrome 46 0.02 % 46
9   3.02 123 0.06 % 26
10   Python-urllib 44 0.02 % 23
11   Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 0.00 % 7
12   Opera 2 0.00 % 2
13   acebookexternalhit 3 0.00 % 2
14   Unknown 2 0.00 % 1
    Total all Pages 204176 100.00 % 105398