Top Pages - directory  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2018 23:59 (-5)

This section identifies the most popular web site pages and how often they were accessed. Values shown do not include failed requests.

  Summary - Page Views  

  Trend - Page Views  

  Top Pages  
Rank   Page Page Views % of Total Page Views Entry Page Time Spent in Seconds Average Page Serve Time (Seconds) Exit Page Bandwidth Trend
1   library.php 246095 67.42 % 97203 38 0.853 110296 2,725.74 MB  
2   default.htm 89651 24.56 % 62136 45 0.505 43631 725.77 MB  
3   index.php 15816 4.33 % 2982 32 0.313 7900 126.92 MB  
4   admin/­update_lib.php 2977 0.82 % 9 12 0.069 40 21.13 MB  
5   admin/­edit_board.php 2060 0.56 % 2 29 0.079 89 9.70 MB  
6   admin/­index.php 915 0.25 % 5 37 0.137 49 8.29 MB  
7   admin/­print.php 774 0.21 % 7 108 0.692 193 51.33 MB  
8   admin/­del_board.php 635 0.17 % 0 12 0.056 16 2.72 MB  
9   admin/­default.htm 631 0.17 % 67 25 0.189 18 5.71 MB  
10   library.php/­index.php 602 0.16 % 0 0 0.279 2 0.21 MB  
11   admin/­add_board.php 580 0.16 % 0 70 0.071 31 2.73 MB  
12   library.php/­register/­index.php 450 0.12 % 0 0 0.297 3 0.16 MB  
13   admin/­edit_staff.php 438 0.12 % 0 16 0.132 12 2.00 MB  
14   admin 371 0.10 % 0 0 0.093 0 0.15 MB  
15   admin/­districts.php 313 0.09 % 5 23 0.070 8 1.63 MB  
16   admin/­edit_stats.php 273 0.07 % 0 45 0.069 14 1.27 MB  
17   admin/­edit_lib.php 258 0.07 % 1 27 0.127 11 1.86 MB  
18   admin/­edit_director.php 228 0.06 % 1 51 0.138 25 1.13 MB  
19   admin/­edit_hours.php 194 0.05 % 0 69 0.145 20 1.76 MB  
20   admin/­admin.php 185 0.05 % 103 17 0.383 3 1.02 MB  
    Subtotal this Page 363446 99.54 % 162521 656   162361 3,691.21 MB  
    Total all Pages 365016 100.00 % 162521 14530207   162564 3,696.64 MB