/* License: You can do whatever you want with the script, but at any time (whether for your own usage or if you modify it and redistribute your modified version), you must include the "Authors" and this "License" sections in your copy (modified or not) of this script. You may delete any other comment section or modify the script. BTW, also note that no warranty is provided and as with most freewares - use it at your own risk! ;) Authors: Mingyi Liu (http://mingyi.org) wrote this script initially based upon an excellent script by Stuart Langridge. But now this script is so much beyond what that original script offered. I made very significant improvements not only to vastly improve the features, but also fixed/improved the sorting algorithms to develope it into by far the most advanced and feature-rich table sorting script on the net (and even created a firefox extension out of it!). Support: No support/reply is guaranteed but I will try my best to respond to any questions/bug reports/feature requests (write to mingyiliu@yahoo.com). How to use this script: 1. Put in your html page section. 2. Add class="sortable" to the tables you want sorted (if your table html tag was previously , now it'd become
) That's it! Now you can already sort any "sortable" table on your page! Please also note that by default you could sort a table by simply pressing "alt"+"ctrl" and clicking inside any table cells of the table. If prefered, you could set the variable sort_only_sortable to false to have all the tables on your page sortable by default! For advanced usage, read on! Mingyi's script's feature list: 1. Ease of use - just include the script in your html and add class "sortable" to the tables you want sorted. If prefered, you could modify one variable sort_only_sortable to false to have all tables on page sortable by default! 2. Fast performance (fast resorting of same column). 3. Automatically detects (US-styled) date, number (negatives, scientific notations), text, multiple currency types, IP addresses and sort them. More date style can be specified (see below) 4. X-browser support for most browsers. 5. Support multiple tables on same html page. 6. Works with thead, tbody, th, etc. html tags and will not break on colspan. 7. Allow user to specify tables that should be sorted right after the html page is loaded. 8. Sort US, European and user-specified dates (and time)! Simply specify the type in table head cells (see advanced usage for details). 9. Allow force sorting of unrecognized currencies too. 10. Support various levels of style preserving (row-level, cell-level or table-level (default)). Particularly useful for table rows that're alternatively highlighted. 11. Support for user-supplied sorting function for custom data type. 12. Allow customization of the style of the table heading clickable links. 13. Improved reliability over offending data (like non-number in a number column). 14. Works with tfoot html tag, Allows multi-row header and footer. 15. Has a FireFox extension made out of this script! 16. Allow user to press 'ctrl'+'alt' and click inside anywhere in the table to sort! 17. Complete control of the style/class of the sorting links, both before and after sorting. BTW, if you want to have your html page including the script validated against W3C Validation (http://validator.w3.org) for XHTML 1.0 Strict, you need to get rid of the ts_ for all the attributes (like 'ts_type','ts_sortcell', etc.), based on Douglas' suggestion. Advanced usage: 1. You can change the variables in the sections marked as modify as needed. 2. Currency detection is limited to a few common ones (¥£€$), so if you have, say, YMB, just add ts_type="money" to the column heading, e.g., implement your own IP sorting: Note that: a. You must know what you're doing! b. Due to the use of eval, the custom function is always slower than defining function in this script directly (but using custom function keeps code here cleaner during updates). 4. Add 'sortdir="desc"'' on any table header column to indicate that the table should be sorted right after page is loaded. Use 'asc' for ascending sorting order. Example: 5. Use
or . That's it! It'll be sorted correctly. In fact, it's always a good idea to specify money columns as type "money", even if it's US $, euro, etc. 3. You could also force data type to be "number", "ip", "date" the same way as "money". You could even specify ts_type to be "custom", but then you must supply valid javascript code that accesses the values a and b and evaluates to negative, positive or 0 (like any comparison function). e.g.: implement numeric sorting: My number column header cellMy IP column header cellthe default sorting column
on any table to indicate that the table redrawing after sorting should preserve cell style (override the global preserve_style variable that you can set below). The other valid preserve_style is "row", which is very useful if you use alternating colors for table rows. Note that row style is slower than default, cell style is even slower due to more update needed. IE has a "design" (read:bug) that prevents setting innerHTML for rows ("design" explained in http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/tables/buildtables.asp#TOM_Create, bug documented for selects at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;276228#appliesto). Therefore for IE, "row" is actually equivalent with "cell" because it is implemented the same way (blame IE for the speed!). 6. Use
to indicate date format is DD/MM/YY or DD/MM/YYYY Using you can also indicate it's european dates. is also european dates separated by '-' not '/'. Use the formatting you could specify other date format, like Y-M-D. If Y is double digit, any number smaller than 32 is deemed 20xx, otherwise it's 19xx. Note that D/M/Y (or any user-specified format) could just part of the time string (the date part), time conversion will be done correctly. Also note that if you choose custom date format, due to the time consumed during date conversion, the sorting would be much slower (2-3 times as slow). The date/time formats accepted are: 1. Anything accepted directly by Javascript's Date.parse() function (format best explained at "http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/api/java/util/Date.html#parse(java.lang.String)"); 2. Any combination of a date type specified by you and a time (hour, min, seconds) format accepted by Date.parse(). Check the demo html page (http://www.mingyi.org/other/ts_demo.html) for examples. 7. Remember that there are a number of parameters that you could customize in the script! 8. Add 'ts_linkrow' to tag to indicate which header row the click-to-sort links would be added to. Note that
actually means that the 2nd header row should be used as the click-to-sort row. By default, if you do not add ts_linkrow to your
tag, first table row would always be used as the click-to-sort row. 9. Add 'ts_nosort' to the header row's disable sorting link on the column. You should also set use_ctrl_alt_click to false to disable user using keyboard shortcut to get around the no sort rule on this column. 10.Add 'ts_forcesort' to the header row's makes sure that the sorting on the column is always in ascending order. Use "desc" for descending order. */ var ts_version = "1.26"; var ts_browser_agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var ts_browser_is_ie = ((ts_browser_agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (ts_browser_agt.indexOf("opera") == -1)); var ml_tsort = { /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // configurable constants, modify as needed! sort_col_title : "Click here to Sort!", // the popup text for the sorting link in the header columns sort_col_asc_title : "Sorted in ascending order", // the popup text for the sorting link in the header column after the column's sorted in ascending order sort_col_desc_title : "Sorted in descending order", // the popup text for the sorting link in the header column after the column's sorted in ascending order sort_col_class : "abc", // whichever class you want the heading to be sort_col_style : "text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:black", // whichever style you want the link to look like sort_col_class_post_sort : "def", // whichever class you want the heading for the column that's just sorted sort_col_style_post_sort : "text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:red", // whichever style you want the link to look like when the column for the link was sorted sort_col_mouseover : "this.style.color='blue'", // what style the link should use onmouseover? use_ctrl_alt_click : true, // allow ctrl-alt-click anywhere in table to activate sorting? sort_only_sortable : true, // make all tables sortable by default or just make the tables with "sortable" class sortable? ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // speed related constants, modify as needed! table_content_might_change : false, // table content could be changed by other JS on-the-fly? if so, some speed improvements cannot be used. preserve_style : "", // (row, cell) preserves style for row or cell e.g., row is useful when the table highlights rows alternatively. cell is much slower while no preservation's the fastest by far! tell_me_time_consumption : false, // give stats about time consumed during sorting and table update/redrawing. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // anything below this line, modify at your own risk! ;) smallest_int : -2147483648000, // date parse is in milliseconds, hence the 000 set_vars : function(event) { var e = (event)? event : window.event; var element = (event)? ((event.target)? event.target : event.srcElement) : window.event.srcElement; var clicked_td = ml_tsort.getParent(element,'TD') || ml_tsort.getParent(element,'TH'); var table = ml_tsort.getParent(element,'TABLE'); if(!table || table.rows.length < 1 || !clicked_td) return; var column = clicked_td.cellIndex; if (e.altKey && e.ctrlKey && ml_tsort.use_ctrl_alt_click) ml_tsort.resortTable(table.rows[0].cells[column]); }, makeSortable: function(table) { if (table.rows && table.rows.length > 0) { var rowidx = table.getAttribute("ts_linkrow") || 0; var firstRow = table.rows[rowidx]; } if (!firstRow) return; var sortCell; // We have a first row: assume it's the header (it works for too), // and make its contents clickable links for (var i=0;i'+txt+''; } if(sortCell) this.resortTable(sortCell); }, sortables_init : function() { // Find all tables with class sortable and make them sortable if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return; var tbls = document.getElementsByTagName("table"); for (var ti=0;ti= column + 1) newRows[i++] = table.rows[j]; else if(t == 'thead') headcount++; } if(newRows.length == 0) return; var time2 = new Date(); // check if we really need to sort if(!td.getAttribute("ts_forcesort") && !this.table_content_might_change && table == this.last_sorted_table && column == lastSortCell) newRows.reverse(); else { // Work out a type for the column var sortfn, type = td.getAttribute("ts_type"); this.replace_pattern = ''; var itm, i; for(i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) { itm = this.getInnerText(newRows[i].cells[column]); if(itm.match(/\S/)) break; } if(i == newRows.length) return; itm = ml_trim(itm); if(!type) { sortfn = this.sort_caseinsensitive; if (this.match_date_format(newRows[i], 'M/D/Y')) sortfn = this.sort_date; else if (itm.match(/^[¥£€$]/)) sortfn = this.sort_currency; else if (itm.match(/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}$/)) sortfn = this.sort_ip; else if (itm.match(/^[+-]?\s*[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:\s*[eE]\s*[+-]?\s*\d+)?$/)) sortfn = this.sort_numeric; } else if(type == 'date' && this.match_date_format(newRows[i], 'M/D/Y')) sortfn = this.sort_date; else if(type == 'euro_date' && this.match_date_format(newRows[i], 'D/M/Y')) sortfn = this.sort_date; else if(type == 'other_date' && this.match_date_format(newRows[i], td.getAttribute("ts_date_format"))) sortfn = this.sort_date; else if(type == 'number') sortfn = this.sort_numeric; else if(type == 'ip') sortfn = this.sort_ip; else if(type == 'money') sortfn = this.sort_currency; // else if(type == 'custom') sortfn = function(aa,bb) { a = this.getInnerText(aa.cells[this.sort_column_index]); b = this.getInnerText(bb.cells[this.sort_column_index]); eval(td.getAttribute("ts_sortfn")) }; // the coding here is shorter but interestingly it's also slower else if(type == 'custom') { this.custom_code = td.getAttribute("ts_sortfn"); sortfn = this.custom_sortfn } else { alert("unsupported sorting type or data not matching indicated type!"); return; } table.setAttribute("ts_sortcell", column+1); newRows.sort(sortfn); if (lastSortDir == 'asc') newRows.reverse(); } // set style of heading var rowidx = table.getAttribute("ts_linkrow") || 0; if(lastSortCell > -1 && table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell].firstChild.style) { table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell].firstChild.oldstyle = this.sort_col_style; table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell].firstChild.style.cssText = this.sort_col_style; table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell].firstChild.className = this.sort_col_class; } if(table.rows[rowidx].cells[column].firstChild.style) { table.rows[rowidx].cells[column].firstChild.oldstyle = this.sort_col_style_post_sort; table.rows[rowidx].cells[column].firstChild.style.cssText = this.sort_col_style_post_sort; table.rows[rowidx].cells[column].firstChild.className = this.sort_col_class_post_sort; } if (lastSortDir == 'desc') table.setAttribute('ts_sortdir','asc'); else table.setAttribute('ts_sortdir','desc'); // has to use tagName otherwise IE complains if(lastSortCell > -1 && table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell].firstChild.tagName) table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell].firstChild.title = this.sort_col_title; if(table.rows[rowidx].cells[column].firstChild.tagName) table.rows[rowidx].cells[column].firstChild.title = ((lastSortDir == 'desc')? this.sort_col_asc_title : this.sort_col_desc_title); this.last_sorted_table = table; var time3 = new Date(); var ps = table.getAttribute("preserve_style") || this.preserve_style; if(ps == 'row' && !ts_browser_is_ie) { var tmp = new Array(newRows.length); for (var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) tmp[i] = newRows[i].innerHTML; for (var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) table.rows[i+headcount].innerHTML = tmp[i]; } else if(ps == 'cell' || (ps == 'row' && ts_browser_is_ie)) { var tmp = new Array(newRows.length); for (var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) for (var j = 0; j < newRows[i].cells.length; j++) { if(!tmp[i]) tmp[i] = new Array(newRows[i].cells.length); tmp[i][j] = newRows[i].cells[j].innerHTML; } for (var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) for (var j = 0; j < newRows[i].cells.length; j++) table.rows[i+headcount].cells[j].innerHTML = tmp[i][j]; } else { for (var i=0;i
tag to indicate this column shouldn't be sorted. e.g. abc tag to indicate this column should be sorted only in one direction. e.g. abc