Views Per Visit - directory  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section displays the number of visits for the number of pages viewed.

  Summary - Visits  

  Views Per Visit  
Views Per Visit
Number of Pages Viewed Visits % of Total Visits
1 96319 69.36
2 24160 17.40
3 8492 6.12
4 3842 2.77
5 1673 1.20
6 996 0.72
7 416 0.30
8 371 0.27
9 251 0.18
10 188 0.14
11 151 0.11
12 151 0.11
13 132 0.10
14 71 0.05
15 61 0.04
16 45 0.03
17 53 0.04
18 50 0.04
19 76 0.05
20+ 1361 0.98
Total 138859 100.00