Top Pages - directory  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section identifies the most popular web site pages and how often they were accessed. Values shown do not include failed requests.

  Summary - Page Views  

  Trend - Page Views  

  Top Pages  
Rank   Page Page Views % of Total Page Views Entry Page Time Spent in Seconds Average Page Serve Time (Seconds) Exit Page Bandwidth Trend
1   library.php 207687 66.26 % 81433 35 0.779 92502 2,330.13 MB  
2   default.htm 80043 25.54 % 54762 46 0.513 38842 637.03 MB  
3   index.php 13836 4.41 % 2269 32 0.320 6685 109.90 MB  
4   admin/­update_lib.php 2728 0.87 % 9 13 0.071 38 19.39 MB  
5   admin/­edit_board.php 1870 0.60 % 2 28 0.082 81 8.80 MB  
6   admin/­index.php 831 0.27 % 5 36 0.143 43 7.53 MB  
7   admin/­print.php 645 0.21 % 5 106 0.692 167 37.88 MB  
8   admin/­del_board.php 589 0.19 % 0 10 0.057 13 2.53 MB  
9   admin/­add_board.php 553 0.18 % 0 70 0.071 29 2.60 MB  
10   admin/­default.htm 547 0.17 % 67 25 0.211 17 4.95 MB  
11   admin/­edit_staff.php 404 0.13 % 0 15 0.137 12 1.84 MB  
12   library.php/­index.php 351 0.11 % 0 0 0.306 2 0.12 MB  
13   admin 316 0.10 % 0 0 0.105 0 0.12 MB  
14   admin/­districts.php 306 0.10 % 5 20 0.070 8 1.59 MB  
15   admin/­edit_stats.php 263 0.08 % 0 46 0.066 14 1.23 MB  
16   library.php/­register/­index.php 250 0.08 % 0 0 0.342 2 0.09 MB  
17   admin/­edit_lib.php 247 0.08 % 1 28 0.130 10 1.77 MB  
18   admin/­edit_director.php 207 0.07 % 1 54 0.141 24 1.02 MB  
19   admin/­admin.php 185 0.06 % 103 17 0.383 3 1.02 MB  
20   admin/­edit_hours.php 178 0.06 % 0 70 0.146 16 1.61 MB  
    Subtotal this Page 312036 99.57 % 138662 651   138508 3,171.15 MB  
    Total all Pages 313424 100.00 % 138662 11975975   138692 3,176.18 MB