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Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the Phrases that visitors used to reach your site. The sorting is per Search Engine.

Rank Search Phrase Visitors
Hide Details (0) Google
1 - 13039
2 mechanicville public library 913
3 mechanicville library 874
4 southern adirondack library system 296
5 burnt hills library 246
6 181
7 sals 138
8 round lake library 130
9 malta library 122
10 southern adirondack library 112
11 richards library 111
12 mechanicville ny library 97
13 bolton free library 88
14 town of johnsburg library 85
15 richards library warrensburg ny 76
16 mechanicville district public library 74
17 mechanicville library hours 69
18 69
19 warrensburg ny library 67
20 http:­/­/ 61
SubTotal 16848
Hide Details (1)
1 mechanicville public library 610
2 southern adirondack library system 257
3 burnt hills library 238
4 mechanicville library 199
5 176
6 ballston spa library 57
7 48
8 saratoga springs public library 40
9 richards library warrensburg ny 37
10 mechanicville library mechanicville ny 32
11 round lake library 30
12 29
13 town of johnsburg library 28
14 mechanicville ny library 27
15 round lake library malta ny 27
16 argyle free library 26
17 warrensburg ny library 26
18 sals 25
19 southern adirondack library 25
20 mechanicville district public library 23
SubTotal 1960
Hide Details (2) Yahoo!
1 mechanicville public library 232
2 sals member libraries 148
3 southern adirondack library system 117
4 burnt hills library 94
5 mechanicville library 83
6 82
7 fort edward library 37
8 crandall public library 36
9 sals library 34
10 town of ballston library 26
11 southern adirondack library 25
12 schuylerville public library 23
13 mechanicville library ny 20
14 town of ballston community library 19
15 richards library warrensburg ny 17
16 round lake library malta branch 17
17 ballston spa library 16
18 malta library ny 16
19 mechanicville ny library 16
20 mechanicville library mechanicville ny 15
SubTotal 1073
Hide Details (3) America on line
1 mechanicville public library 230
2 southern adirondack library system 51
3 southern adirondack library 46
4 burnt hills library 37
5 mechanicville library 30
6 johsburg library johnsburg ny 24
7 round lake library round lake ny 22
8 galway public library 19
9 round lake library 19
10 15
11 malta library 13
12 12
13 sals library 11
14 town of johnsburg library 10
15 mechanicville ny library 9
16 round lake library malta branch 8
17 clifton park halfmoon library photos 7
18 mechanicville district public library 7
19 burnt hills public library 6
20 clifton park halfmoon library 5
SubTotal 581
Hide Details (4) Unknown
1 ..­/..­/..­/..­/..­/..­/..­/etc­/passwd 150
2 1 99
3 user 83
4 user­/ 3
5 user­/register 2
6 3 1
SubTotal 338
Hide Details (5) Ask
1 mechanicville public library 26
2 mechanicville library 12
3 southern adirondack library system 12
4 mechanicvilledistrict public library 6
5 sals library 6
6 burnt hills library 5
7 5
8 5
9 5
10 5
11 http:­/­/ 4
12 town of ballston community library 4
13 town of johnsburg library 4
14 mechanicville ny library 3
15 mechanicvillelibrary 3
16 southern adirondack library system, crandall library 3
17 burnt hills public library 2
18 laura fisher mechanicville, new york 2
19 laura fisher, mechanicville 2
20 richards library 2
SubTotal 116
Hide Details (6)
1 corinth free library 24
2 mechanicville public library 13
3 mechanicville library 6
4 5
5 bolton landing library 3
6 burnt hills library 3
7 caldwell library lake george 3
8 caldwell library lake george ny 3
9 johnsburg ny public library 2
10 pember library 2
11 raquette lake library 2
12 johnsburg library ny 1
13 johnsburg public library, johnsburg, ny 1
14 malta library hours 1
15 malta ny library 1
16 mechanicville libra 1
17 mechanicville libraray 1
18 mechanicville ny public library 1
19 mechanicville public library mechanicville ny 1
20 mechanicvillelibrary 1
SubTotal 75
Hide Details (7)
1 warrensburg ny library 30
2 6
3 mechanicville public library 5
4 5
5 lake george ny library story time 3
6 bolton ny library 2
7 mechanicville district public library 2
8 mechanicville library 2
9 mechanicville sals 2
10 richards library warrensburg, ny 2
11 sals.educ 2
12 warrrensburg ny library 2
13 fort edward free library 1
14 hadley luzerne library 1
15 indian lake library 1
16 inlet library 1
17 malta library ny 1
18 mechanciville sals 1
19 mechanicville library sals 1
20 sals mechanicville 1
SubTotal 71
Hide Details (8)
1 mechanicville public library 10
2 argyle ny library 3
3 ballston spa library ballston spa ny 3
4 ballston town library 3
5 southern adirondack library system 3
6 fort edward library 2
7 greenwich, ny public library 2
8 library bolton landing, new york 2
9 mechanicville library 2
10 town of johnsburgh library 12843 2
11 warrensburg ny library 2
12 argyle,ny library 1
13 ballston spa public library 1
14 bolton free library 1
15 bolton landing ny library 1
16 brant lake ny library 1
17 burnt hills-town of ballston community library 1
18 corinth free library corinth ny 1
19 crandal 1
20 greenwich ny library 1
SubTotal 43
Hide Details (9)
1 richards library warrensburg ny 8
2 johnsburg ny library 3
3 malta ny library 3
4 3
5 mechanicville library 2
6 mechanicville library ny 2
7 schuylerville public library 2
8 southern adirondack library 2
9 southern saratoga county library system 2
10 argonne library argyle new york 1
11 burnt hills ballston lake library 1
12 burthills library 1
13 fort edward library hours 1
14 johnsburg library 1
15 johnsburg ny public library 1
16 mechanicville libtary 1
17 mechanicville ny library 1
18 mechanicville public library 1
19 mechanicville public library hours 1
20 presidents day hours of operation malta ny public library 1
SubTotal 38
Hide Details (10)
1 k118636c8 36
SubTotal 36
Hide Details (11)
1 mechanicville public library 9
2 burnt hills ballston lake library 3
3 raquette lake library 3
4 argyle ny library 2
5 mechanicville district public library 2
6 raquette lake library hours 2
7 richards library 2
8 ballston spa public library 1
9 burnt hills library 1
10 corinth free library 1
11 fort edward library ny 1
12 inlet library hours 1
13 malta libary in malta ny 1
14 malta round lake library ny 1
15 mechanicville district library 1
16 mechanicville library hours 1
17 mechanicville public library hours 1
18 warrensburg ny library hours 1
SubTotal 34
Hide Details (12)
1 burnt hills public library 3
2 directory greenwich n y library 2
3 ft. edward library 2
4 malta library 2
5 raquette lake public library 2
6 town of ballston library 2
7 burnt hills library hours 1
8 fort edward library 1
9 lake pleasant ny 1
10 long lake library hours 1
11 mechanicville library 1
12 mechanicville ny library 1
13 round lake library 1
14 sals library 1
15 town of johnsburg library 1
16 warrensburg ny public library 1
SubTotal 23
Hide Details (13)
1 town of johnsburg library 9
2 http:­/­/ 6
3 richards library 2
4 argyle 1
5 argyle free library 1
6 burnt hills public library 1
7 mechanicville library 1
8 round lake library 1
SubTotal 22
Hide Details (14)
1 http:­/­/­/ 9
2 http:­/­/­/ 2
3 http:­/­/­/ 2
4 http:­/­/­/ 1
5 http:­/­/­/ 1
6 http:­/­/­/ 1
7 http:­/­/­/ 1
8 http:­/­/­/ 1
9 http:­/­/­/ 1
10 long lake library 1
SubTotal 20
Hide Details (15)
1 burnt hills library 6
2 mechanicville library 6
3 mechancivlle libary 3
4 granville library, ny 2
5 southern adirondack library system 1
6 town of ballston library 1
SubTotal 19
Hide Details (16)
1 burnt hills library 7
2 lake pleasant library 4
3 mechanicville public library 4
4 richards library 1
SubTotal 16
Hide Details (17)
1 mechanicville public library 6
2 warrensburg ny library 3
3 mechanicville public library sals 2
4 ballston spa public library 1
5 burnt hills library 1
6 mechanicville library 1
SubTotal 14
Hide Details (18)
1 caldwell lake george library director barb 5
2 johnsburg library north creek ny 5
3 johnsburg library phone 1
4 richards library warrensburg ny 1
5 southern adirondack library system 1
6 town of johnsburg library 1
SubTotal 14
Hide Details (19)
1 bolton landing free library 2
2 2
3 library sign in, inlet, ny 2
4 bolton landing ny free library 1
5 granville library hours 1
6 granville library hours in granville new york 1
7 greenwich free library ny 1
8 inlet new york library 1
9 pember library, granville, ny 1
10 1
SubTotal 13
Hide Details (20)
1 argyle free library argyle ny 7
2 southern adirondack library system saratoga springs ny 6
SubTotal 13
  Subtotal this Page 0
  Total all Pages 29025