Day of Week Activity - directory  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the activity for each day of the week for the report period. For example if there are 2 Sundays in the report period, then the value shown for Sunday is the sum of all hits for both Sundays. Values shown do not include failed requests.

Legend     Humans     Spiders

  Visits by Day of Week  

  Page Views by Day of Week  

  Bandwidth by Day of Week  

  Day of Week Activity  
  Visits Page Views All
  Humans Spiders Humans Spiders Bandwidth
Monday 21172 11912 42658 21715 442.35 MB
Tuesday 21843 12077 45651 22701 473.87 MB
Wednesday 21607 12317 43643 23157 470.18 MB
Thursday 20900 12044 43242 23030 461.70 MB
Friday 20226 12397 71279 22988 557.60 MB
Saturday 17668 12108 35767 23525 405.51 MB
Sunday 15443 11902 31184 22905 365.35 MB
Total 138859 88288 313424 166688 3,176.56 MB
Maximum 21843 12397 71279 23525 557.60 MB
Minimum 15443 11902 31184 21715 365.35 MB
Average 19837 12613 44775 23813 453.79 MB