Day of Month Activity - directory  
Report Range: 1 Jan 2013 00:00 - 1 Dec 2017 23:59 (-5)

This section shows the activity for each day of the month for the report period. For example if there are 2 months which both contain an entry for the 5th day of the month in the report period, then the value shown is the sum of all hits for both of these days. Values shown do not include failed requests.

Legend     Humans     Spiders

  Visits by Day of Month  

  Page Views by Day of Month  

  Bandwidth by Day of Month  

  Day of Month Activity  
  Visits Page Views All
  Humans Spiders Humans Spiders Bandwidth
01 4685 2825 8827 5355 99.41 MB
02 4422 2754 8480 4827 91.81 MB
03 4491 2819 8857 5326 97.00 MB
04 4363 2858 8666 5408 97.61 MB
05 4695 2835 9887 5793 108.37 MB
06 4792 2785 9924 5550 106.03 MB
07 4849 2998 9990 5546 108.95 MB
08 4900 2834 10794 5296 111.43 MB
09 4490 2732 9583 5114 100.10 MB
10 4806 2730 10024 5704 106.90 MB
11 4536 2766 8330 5129 94.50 MB
12 4281 2781 11406 5357 109.02 MB
13 4631 2720 9865 5091 103.10 MB
14 4227 2705 8218 4797 91.01 MB
15 4405 2651 8813 5015 95.71 MB
16 4887 2607 9822 5059 102.79 MB
17 4523 2716 8660 4858 93.46 MB
18 4330 2746 8923 4963 94.98 MB
19 4506 2830 9045 5217 99.10 MB
20 4233 2825 8073 5222 91.97 MB
21 4595 2772 9553 5246 101.79 MB
22 4649 2781 37710 5168 206.18 MB
23 4356 2789 8568 5267 96.32 MB
24 4369 2863 9111 6256 107.05 MB
25 4856 2922 10180 5415 107.19 MB
26 4366 2821 9571 5448 102.69 MB
27 4473 2904 9666 5767 107.47 MB
28 4876 2603 9870 4657 100.93 MB
29 4466 2601 9163 4362 95.21 MB
30 4154 2620 7920 4700 87.32 MB
31 2647 1564 5925 3108 61.15 MB
Total 138859 97369 313424 183833 3,176.56 MB
Maximum 4900 2998 37710 6256 206.18 MB
Minimum 2647 1564 5925 3108 61.15 MB
Average 4479 3141 10110 5930 102.47 MB